Moroccan Sweet Rice Seasoning
Ingredients: Fried Onion (Onion, Palm Oil, Buck Wheat, Salt), Golden Raisins, Black Raisins, Almonds Roasted, Cinnamon, Pine Nuts Raw, Onion, Orange Peel, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Cloves.
Description: Turn an ordinary rice dish into something extraordinary. Cooking is made easier with our gourmet Moroccan Sweet Rice Seasoning and can be used in most grain recipes. Made with black pepper, black raisins, cinnamon, cloves, dehydrated fried onion, sliced almonds, green raisins, onion, pine nuts, orange, and turmeric.
Morrocan Sweet Rice Recipe 1 Tbs Olive Oil 1/2 Cup Moroccan Sweet Rice Seasoning1 Cup Basmati Rice 1 1/2 Cups Water 1/2 tsp. Salt Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the Moroccan Sweet Rice Seasoning and saute for 30 seconds. Add rice and mix gently. Add water and salt, stir gentry and bring to a boil, reducing the heat to low. Cover and cook on low for 20 minutes.
Moroccan Sweet Rice Seasoning